Terry B. Jones Publisher, Data News Weekly
In our role as “The People’s Paper” we are encouraging all to get out and vote in this important election that’s taking place on March 20, 2021. Data News Weekly is supporting Troy Carter because we feel he is the best candidate to represent us in the U.S. Congress.
Experience, Competence and Accomplishments Matter
“Experience and accomplishments matter, and in this race, I have the strongest collection of both. However, what really matters is that I have the heart, drive and vision to truly work to improve the lives of the people of the Second Congressional District,” says Carter of why he feels he is the best suited to represent the citizens of Louisiana 2nd Congressional District.
“Policy matters to me and I believe I can have an impact on the district’s economy, educational system, environment and creating an overall more equitable system. It’s also important to recognize that the district has been uniquely impacted by COVID-19. The next member of Congress must hit the ground running and bring these unique issues to the attention of both the White House and congressional leadership immediately.”
Effective From Day One
Troy Carter is being endorsed by many who feel, he is the best candidate. This is something he feels will help him be effective from day one.
“Having been endorsed by Majority Whip Clyburn, Caucus Chair Jeffries, and Congressional Black Caucus Chair Beatty shows that I will have the ear of leadership in the House from day one. Obviously, having the endorsement of Cedric Richmond, Senior Advisor and Director of Public Engagement demonstrates my ability to put the district’s priorities in front of the President.”
An Agenda That Has Positive Impacts For All
Carter has an agenda that includes relief for COVID-19, education, equal pay for women and other priorities he’s fought for throughout his career as an elected official.
“Currently, the district’s recovery from COVID-19 has to be the top priority, including equitable access to vaccines. This doesn’t change my priorities though because COVID-19 has exposed the issues we all know needed to be worked on already. We need better educational opportunities, to raise the minimum wage, expand economic opportunity, improve health care access, and provide equal pay and to improve our environment. COVID-19 has created unimaginable tragedies in our community and that must be recognized. Out of tragedy comes opportunity because now everyone has had to confront the problems that many ignored for years. Recovery provides the opportunity to repair and build in a new and better way. That’s my commitment.”
Building Bridges Of Unity In Louisiana 2nd Congressional District
During this campaign Carter is traveling across the District listening to constituents concerns. Something he says will form his priorities if elected.
“COVID-19 of course, but the issues that have always concerned the district. How do I better educate my children? What can we do to make it easier to put food on the table? How does pollution effect my health and well-being? How do we end mass incarceration? We all know the issues. I’m ready to go to Washington and bring back the resources to fix them.”
This race is one with many different types of candidates representing various interest in the District. Carter is building a coalition to be effective if elected.
“This district stretches from New Orleans through the River Parishes all the way to Baton Rouge through a wide variety of diverse communities with different problems. Fundamentally, we all want the same things. We want to educate our children. We want to live in a clean environment. We want well-paying jobs with equitable opportunities. It’s my job to link all of these diverse communities together so that we can work together to achieve our dreams.”
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