Women on the Move

Elise Schenck Data News Weekly Contributor

The Greater New Orleans Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women was chartered in 1988 based on the founding principles of its parent organization. Its members work to address common issues within our communities, our families and our personal lives while promoting gender and racial equity.

The National Coalition of 100 Black Women has thousands of members with chapters in 25 states and the District of Columbia with the purpose of meeting the needs of its members and empowering black women.

The women of the coalition are physicians, dentists, lawyers, judges, corporate executives and an array of other positions from across the public and private sectors. It takes this wealth of resource talent to achieve the organization’s goals as well as to effectively engage other organizations, corporations and influential individuals.

Recently, three phenomenal women were honored with the prestigious 2024 Torchbearer Women on the Move, Leading the Way Award by the 100 Black Women Greater New Orleans Chapter at a ceremony held on November 2, 2024, at Chateau Estates Country Club. This award recognizes women who have made significant contributions to their communities and serve as inspiring role models.

This year’s honorees included State Representative Delisha Boyd, Business Leader, Iam Tucker and Entertainer and Organizer, Sharon Martin.

“I cannot think of the words to express how thrilled I was to have been considered for this honor and recognition by the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Greater New Orleans Chapter. Two weekends in a row “my people” recognized me for my work and dedication in contributing to the culture of New Orleans. The Black Men of Labor and the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, the Greater New Orleans Chapter. It is great that my work is being recognized and I can inspire others,” said honoree Sharon Martin.

Representative Boyd was also honored for her dedication to empowering their communities.

“I am deeply honored to receive this award,” said Representative Boyd. “This recognition is not just for me, but for everyone who strives every day to make a difference. It inspires us to continue our mission of creating positive change and uplifting those around us.”

The Torchbearer Women on the Move Award highlights the commitment of women who lead with integrity, purpose, and passion. The National Coalition 100 Black Women Greater New Orleans Chapter is dedicated to advocating for issues affecting African American women and girls.

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