2019 Salute to Outstanding Minority Male Youth

By June Hazeur
Data News Weekly Contributors

On Sunday, April 14, 2019, the Theta Beta Sigma Chapter held a public program honoring 93 Minority Males from all over the Greater New Orleans area, who will be graduating high school this year. They are recipients for the 2019 Tribute to Outstanding Minority Youth by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated – Theta Beta Sigma Chapter. They were honored because of their outstanding academic achievements. The Program was held on Dillard University’s Campus, Kearney Hall, Room 112 at 3:00 P.M.

The honorees were chosen from the following schools: Benjamin Franklin High School, Brother Martin Hi School, Carver High School, Chalmette High School, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Charter High School, Edna Karr High School, International Hight School, John Ehret High School, Mc Main High School, New Orleans Charter Math and Science High School, Phoenix High School, Saint Augustine High School, Thomas Jefferson High School and Warren Eaton High School.

The program began with A Processional by Member of the Dias Members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and the Outstanding Minority Male Students after which the opening song “Lift Every Voice and Sing” was sang. The young men were greeted by Bro. Rufus Davison was the Master of Ceremony.

The event was well-attended by family and friends of the recipients plus several of the Fraternity Members. The Keynote Speaker for the event was Mr. Frederick Bell of Greenberg, LA who serves as the 2nd International Vice-President of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.

The Welcome was given by Bro. R. Melvin Buford and greetings and congratulations by the following: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Greater New Orleans Chapters, Ms. Ariayne Fortune’, New Orleans, Pan Hellenic Council; Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr., Orleans Parish Schools; and Dr. Walter Kimbrough, President, Dillard University, City of New Orleans. Cyndi Nguyen, District E City Council member was also in attendance for the program, she also greeted the young men and took photos with each of them receiving their awards.

After the awards were presented there were scholarships awarded to four young men by the Fraternity announced by Bro. Joe Butts Jr./Bro. Atari Jenkins. After which everyone gathered outside for a group photo by their photographer.

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