For the Last Time God Is Not Schizophrenic

James A. Washington
NNPA Columnist Publisher Dallas Weekly

Let me state up front. This is not new. I heard something recently that has stayed with me and has rapidly become embedded in my spirit, so I thought it was worthy to again pass along to you. “God is not schizophrenic.” It sounds simple enough, but, at closer inspection, you might want to seriously consider it implications.

When I looked for a biblical reference point, there were actually too many to quote. I mean the bible is full of confirmation regarding God’s consistency. His unwavering faithfulness to us. God does indeed keep His promises and in His unpredictability, He is predictable.

God loves us no matter how hard we try to deny this. We can never remove ourselves from this truth. It/He never changes. Warts and flaws and faults, God loves us. That means you and all your hidden secrets too. Deal with it.

The problem with God’s consistency is our inconsistency. When put into that perspective alongside God’s steadfastness, our fickleness screams out almost as some kind of bizarre trick.

What I’m saying is our behavior can become unsteady and sinfully shaky. But our faith should not. In the context of our faith, the consistency of God’s promise and His covenant with us should flourish. It should provide us with that proverbial ‘rock’ that we need to lean on.

After all, we’re not dealing with trick questions, slight of hand or spiritual illusions when it comes to God’s promise of eternal life and everlasting salvation. With faith comes the understanding that “God is not schizophrenic.”

Someone once told me that there should be some things and people in life that you can always count on. Folk who will be there for you no matter what! The reason we can relate to this is we know so many things and people in our lives that we cannot count on, or certainly shouldn’t.

So called friends will let you down. Family will fail you. Circumstances will change. Results are inconclusive and fame is fleeting. Being a Christian does not exempt us from everyday and every people challenges. They can be severe and debilitating.

Tests and testimonies are real. Yet God is steadfast. He does require however — or should I say, demands — the discipline of faith.

Unfaithfulness, schizophrenia, relapses, backsliding; all combine to get us into spiritual trouble. Faith, fortunately, always gets us out. That’s because God is good all the time. And God is God all the time, always was, always will be. He is not lost. He has not moved and left no forwarding address. He’s at the same place where you originally found Him and blessedly for you, he’s patiently waiting for you to acknowledge His presence there again and again and if needed, again.

My bible says faith proves itself by its obedience to the Lord. The more we accept His steadfastness, the clearer our paths become. When all is said and done, once you know where home is, you’re never lost. Because when we acknowledge the Almighty and who we are in relation to Him, we too, will never be lost or forsaken. May God bless and keep you always.

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