From Desire To Purpose…A Dreamer’s Journey

“Wading In Dark Waters, Living In The Light”

Renée Dugué pictured wading through the murky waters of The Atlantic Ocean at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, while basking in the healing rays of the sun on a weekend work trip (Aug. 2021).

Renée Dugué Co-Founder Reborn and Rising

We talked about last year not being what we expected. Clarity of purpose, focus, and perfect vision are what we all envisioned 2020 would bring. Then as we ended the year with the Jupiter/Saturn reset, and entered into The Age of Aquarius, we hoped to immediately feel Mother Earth’s love around us like a warm hug from your Grandma, smelling like Avon’s Sweet Honesty. Well, here we are recovering from IDA’s blow on the 16th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, faced with mass mandates and masks inhibiting our freedom to move and breathe. Instead, most are screaming WTF. And rightfully so! We need a break before we crack! Be encouraged Family as you remember your Grandpa saying it’s always darkest before the dawn. Just hold on.

I know that may be easier said than done, as all of us have succumbed to society’s conveniences feeding our microwave mentality and demands immediate gratification. Remember how long it felt when we were waiting to see MJ’s Thriller video?!?! Yes! Then fast forward 15 years to how long it took to dial-up to the World Wide Web!!! Right! And now we get annoyed when the driver ahead of us takes more than a split second to go when the light turns green. Imagine our Ancestors’ conversations about our current state of affairs. A whole lot of laughs out loud, head shaking, teeth smacking, “Amens” and “I know that’s right” to somebody saying “Ain’t nothing new under the sun! What are you are rushing for?” They made it through, and we will too. Just think…ours is a cakewalk compared to their plight.

I’m by no means minimizing our issues, just putting things into perspective, as well as assuring us that we have all we need to compete and succeed. Life in The 504 made sure of that. We are truly a different breed. Made stronger with Melanated Magic, no water from seeded clouds, busted levees or systemic injustice will stop us. We are fighters and survivors in possession of the strength and ability to organize, educate, empower, care for, and protect ourselves. We can grow and produce our food and teach the truth to our children while exemplifying strength and unity. This may all seem daunting; like a huge mountain to climb, but the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. We can all take a step forward, offering the gifts we have, contributing just where we are, one day at a time. I walk every day, literally, on my journey from desire to purpose. Be encouraged to walk in truth and the light of each new day on your path.

Renée Dugué, is a LMT based in Houston, TX, she provides massage, holistic healing, wellness coaching, and travel companion services. Visit to learn more about her personal philosophy of healing through helping and support her nonprofit Reborn & Rising’s WALK4WATER Campaign which provides clean water to Africans in need.

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