Musicians Host Special Concert in Final Days of ACA Open Insurance Enrollment Period

Musicians host special concert in final days of ACA open insurance enrollment period. Ace Hotel partners with the New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic, all-star musicians and Martin Guitar’s to offer onsite healthcare enrollment, wellness, and live music on Tuesday December 12th.

New Orleans, LA — The shortened open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplace ends on December 15th, and local musicians are making a final push to make sure the word is out.

On Tuesday, December 12th from 3-6pm, famed New Orleans Bassist Charlie Wooton will be joined by all stars Johnny Vidocovich, June Yamagishi, John Gros, and Kris Royal in a Pop-up Concert that is free and open to the public. The musicians will be joined by healthcare organizations 504HealthNet and Musicians’ Clinic who will offer on-site marketplace and Medicaid enrollment from insurance counselors who can assist those who need to get signed up with the process and help choose a plan that’s right for them.

With much confusing political discourse surrounding the ACA and a shortened enrollment window, many are at risk of remaining uncovered or paying too much for insurance so all are encouraged to come out and review their options. “The Affordable Care Act is an opportunity for many New Orleans musicians, performers, and culture bearers to get health insurance for the first time in their lives” says Megan Mc Stravick, New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic’s Social Worker, who has helped hundreds of local musicians gain access to insurance. “A lot of people don’t know they qualify for financial assistance. Many of the people I help are surprised to learn they have affordable options. Sometimes it just takes that one-on-one meeting.”

Last Chance to Dance: Healthcare Enrollment ahead of the ACA’s December 15th Deadline.

Free Concert by Charlie Wooton, Johnny Vidocovich, June Yamagishi, John Gros, and Kris Royal Healthcare Navigators on-site to enroll clients in Marketplace Insurance and Medicaid.

Tuesday, December 12th – 2-6p
Ace Hotel, 600 Carondelet Street
Last year, close to 150,000 Louisiana residents received health coverage through the Marketplace, and more than 350,000 more found out they were eligible for coverage due to Louisiana’s Medicaid Expansion. Working in a gig economy often means that musicians and culture workers do not have access to health benefits through their employers.

In addition to healthcare enrollment, the New Orleans Musicians Clinic will also offer free flu shots, wellness, and clinic pre-enrollment on-site. Those interested in insurance enrollment should bring their ID, social security card, and proof of yearly income.

This event is a part of the New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic, Ace Hotel New Orleans, and Martin Guitar’s ongoing partnership to raise awareness for healthcare for performers and culture bearers in New Orleans.

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