New Orleans District Attorney Jason Williams Found Not Guilty

Edwin Buggage Editor-in-Chief Data News Weekly

Orleans Parish District Attorney Jason Williams went back to work on Monday August 1, 2022, triumphant after a two-week trial where he was acquitted on ten federal tax fraud charges.

“I am thankful to God to see me and my family through this, and glad to be vindicated and found not guilty,” Williams remarked to members of the media assembled outside of Criminal Court on Tulane and South Broad.

Williams likened this ordeal to being hit with pepper spray, “I felt the fear, pain and isolation and disorientation of an abuse of power and abuse of prosecutorial discretion.”

He is one not naïve enough to believe all have supported his ascendance throughout his political career. In a statement during his press conference speaking of how this has heightened his sense of continuing to fight for justice and fairness for all he stated, “Whether you agree with my politics and polices, what I learned is this can happen to anyone.”

On the heels of this statement, he spoke of his law partner Nicole Burdett, who was acquitted of all charges where her and Williams were co-defendants but was convicted on separate charges related to her own tax returns.

Their legal team is continuing to fight this case, and Williams believes she will also be found not guilty. “My law partner was convicted of crimes she did not commit, and I am confident she will be vindicated.”

On the steps of the courthouse Williams stated he was ready to get back to the work that people elected him to do, which is to serve as their District Attorney.

“My goal is to make sure justice is served in this building behind me. Also, I am excited to personally get back in the fight for the people of our city.”

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