New Orleans Enters Phase 3.3 Re-Opening

Data News Weekly Staff Edited Report –

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell during a recent press conference stated the City will be moving into Phase 3.3 re-opening beginning November 11, 2020.

What does this mean for the City moving forward?
According to the
Bars and breweries will now be allowed 25% indoor capacity with a 50 people maximum, and 100% outdoor capacity with a 50 people maximum.
Indoor gathering sizes, including weddings and funerals, are increased to 100 people.
Outdoor gathering sizes have been increased to 150.
Masks and at least six feet of social distancing are still required.
Indoor live entertainment is still not allowed in bars.
During the press conference announcing Phase 3.3 re-opening, Dr. Jennifer Avegno stated while cases are surging nationally, in New Orleans this is not the case. Her reasons she believes, because of warmer weather and mask wearing becoming a norm.

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