New Orleans Own Cedric Richmond Jr., Shines at the Democratic National Convention

Benjamin Bates Data News Weekly Contributor

It was an historic Democratic National Convention, with the nomination of Joe Biden and his selection of Sen. Kamala Harris, becoming the first woman of African American and South Asian descent to be chosen on a major party ticket.

On these four nights’ people from all walks of life made appearances to make the case for the Biden/Harris ticket. But many are talking about a little boy from New Orleans, who is stealing the hearts of many Americans.

During the last night of the convention, Louisiana Congressman Cedric Richmond, who is also one of the campaigns co-chairs brought in his son, Cedric Jr., to open the final night and just like that, he became an instant viral star.

While standing in front of the artwork commemorating the Civil Rights Movement, Cedric Jr., recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

With his hand over his heart and an infectious smile he warmed the hearts of Americans in these divisive times reminding us all that we are “One Nation Under God Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All.”

It is times like this that America needs young people like Cedric Jr., to remind the country that we are better united than divided.

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