Culture Shock International, LLC in partnership with Kazi-Nia Baptism Church, N.O. Jazz & Heritage Foundation, Job1, Sheriff Marlin Gusman, HandsOn, NOPD, Carver High School, Youth Building New Orleans, Glory Garden, Urban League, Ben Lippen H. S., Senator Joseph Bouie, Councilmembers Eugene Green, Oliver Thomas, Freddie King, Councilmembers At Large JP Morrell, Helena Moreno, Groundwork NOLA, HI Ho Lounge and Neighborhood Engagement will be hosting a week-long of Youth and Community related events starting March 22nd – 27th, 2022.
We feel that the New Orleans Youth Community in the Upper 9th Ward Desire Community could be well served by a culture–business community outreach strategy that would galvanize, support, and encourage our youth to get involve in the re-building of a safe and prosperous Desire/Florida Community. Theme “9th Ward Desire Community Coming Together starting March 22nd -27th, 2022. These events are FREE and open to all segments of our communities. Expected attendance is 10,000 – 15,000 for the week!
The purpose of these community related events is to bring youth from the different neighborhoods from around the city to help combat cross-town violence & crime associated with wards disputes, inspire youth to step into their talents, create a platform for their future and pay attention to pressing community advocacy issues.
A WEEK of YOUTH & COMMUNITY EVENTS beginning Tuesday, March 22, 2022
• Tuesday, 3/22, Sampson Park Cleanup & Revitalization Project. Create a Garden and Community Gathering Space. Sampson Park – 3100 Louisa Street 9AM – 6PM
• Wednesday 3/23, Carver Alumni Building Tour, followed by a Reception/Panel Discussion & Meet and Greet Graduates from all classes. Carver High School, 3059 Higgins Blvd 4PM – 8PM
• Thursday, 3/24, 9th Ward Desire Basketball Classic, also, celebrating Carver Men’s 2022 Basketball Championship, Carver Gym, 4PM – 8PM
• Saturday, 3/26, 9th Ward Desire Community Day 10AM – 6PM Job1 Youth Job Fair, Sampson Park Track & Baseball Recruitment, Stage Performances by Voices of Congo Square, TBC Brass Band, Food & Crafts Vendors, Family Fun & much more! 10AM – 6PM
• Sunday, 3/27, Revolution SAPC Parade, 9th Ward Desire Street Festival, Food Trucks and Arts & Crafts Vendors. 10AM-6PM
Interested in participating as a vendor, email:
This year, NOLAGYW will return to its original home, “the Upper 9th Ward Desire/Florida Community” to help continue the revitalization that has started.
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