The New NOLA Normal, Personal Vaccination Responsibility

Lloyd Dennis

Owner, Lloyd Dennis Photography & Multimedia, and Co-Founder and Former Executive Director of The Silverback Society
APRIL 19, 2021 – We are so relieved! Got our shots! Free at last!
I’m sure I’m going to get some flack for what I’m about to state and predict.

Boo and I have our shots, and while we will continue to cooperate with the public place mask mandates… we ain’t scared of you… masked or not… and that is a life changer.

We have empathy, so if we have to interact with people who would feel more comfortable, we will “mask up”. We remember the stress of being completely vulnerable to this deadly Pandemic. We don’t have that stress anymore, even around the yahoos who’ve been risking themselves, and everyone around them by refusing to mask up for political reasons or due to the frivolity of youth.
I’ve since adjusted my social greetings because it’s just not a good idea to be hugging and kissing on people who might have a cold, flu, stomach virus… All you’ll get from me a knuckle bump or a blown kiss from across the room.

I predict that once NOLA gets to 60 – 70% vaccinated, we will open up and that’s when it gets complicated. We would be right at herd immunity, meaning that if we only interacted with New Orleans people, the virus would have difficulty spreading because two out of three people can’t catch it or pass it on.

However, this is NOLA, America’s favorite place to visit, so our extremely low infection rate and high vaccination rate will make us one of the safest places to visit and fall festivals and our unique culture will feed a huge pent-up national desire to travel. And while there may not be a full-fledged Essence Festival this year, I guarantee that the Fourth of July weekend will still look a lot like it does during the festival.

With people from all over the country coming here, those in the city who are not vaccinated will be exposed to people who come from places with much higher infection rates and lower vaccination rates. Those who choose not to be vaccinated who come into the proximity of tourists will not benefit from the herd immunity and low infection rate that Mayor Cantrell and other leaders have accomplished in New Orleans.

The city will open for business, I believe by July, Whenever the city opens the un-vaccinated, be they locals or tourists will be on their own. No lock-down to protect them.

Thanks to our year of lock-down and now the vaccines, I’m not dead or scared. We’re going to enjoy the party… but if you don’t vaccinate, you might want to stay away from travelers, because they will come… some with and some without. (Yahoos come here, too.)
Laizzez les bon temps rouler… if you’ve had your shots.

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