The Right Choice

Get Out and Vote for Troy Carter

Terry B. Jones Publisher, Data News Weekly

It is time for Citizens to again go to the polls and vote. As Publisher of Data News Weekly… “The People’s Paper”; it is my view that we must send someone to Washington, who can hit the ground running and get things done.

I know some may have already cast their ballots during early voting, and for this we thank you for going out and letting your voice be heard.

In this large field with 15 candidates, this is a crowded race, but Troy Carter is the one person in this race who has the support of the diverse interest representing the district.

For this reason, we are asking all to get out and vote for Troy Carter and send a clear message that we overwhelmingly support a Proven Leader, with a record of excellence.

These are the reasons he’s received endorsements across the spectrum of race, class and interest groups is because he is a bridge builder that can bring people together across the District 2.

This is something he’s done throughout his political career and now he can bring this to Washington D.C. as our next Congressman representing Louisiana Congressional District 2.

As I said in my earlier endorsement that these are serious times and on many fronts the District needs a fighter, but also someone who has the relationships with the leadership in Congress and the ear of the White House.

So please join me in supporting my friend Troy Carter for U.S. Louisiana 2nd Congressional District. The Right Choice for Louisiana U.S. Congressional District 2.

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