Shrinkage is one of the greatest enemies of your average natural-haired woman. Many naturals struggle with hair that shrinks so much it only shows half to ¼ of their actual length. Many women wear natural hair to promote hair growth and overall hair health. However, some naturals may feel discouraged when they’ve been taking care of their natural hair for years only for it to look like it hasn’t grown at all. More than likely, the hair has been growing and getting healthier. Unfortunately, for many naturals, it can take months to years to see your curls get exceptionally longer but here are 3 ways shrinkage may actually be a blessing than a curse.
1. Contrary to popular belief, shrinkage is what allows your hair to grow out healthy in the first place. Curly/Kinky hair bends around itself naturally forming loose to tight spirals. Leaving these spirals alone so they can flourish, allows your hair to grow without the manipulation of straightening or stretching.
2. The natural shrinkage of curls helps your hair to retain more moisture. Tightly curled hair can naturally retain more moisture for a longer period of time, especially in the roots. Moisturized roots can lead to more healthy hair growth over time.
3. If you shrink more than 50 percent to 75 percent of your actual length, shrinkage can keep your hair off your shoulders. When your curls constantly rub against your shoulders this can cause friction which may lead to split ends and breakage.
Happy Growing!
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