Data News Weekly Staff Writers
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 18, 2020 – With an estimated 55 million students now learning from home in the U.S. alone, AT&T* created the Distance Learning and Family Connections Fund to give parents, students and teachers tools they need. The fund also provides resources to maintain meaningful connections and bonding opportunities for those isolated from family and friends.
As part of this fund, AT&T is contributing $100,000 to STEM NOLA to support the organization’s COVID response as they move their workshops and afterschool activities to a virtual platform.
“STEM NOLA has been a consistent leader in our community – and in many other communities – bringing innovative skills and training to underserved communities, inspiring young people to pursue greater opportunities throughout their lives, and the support of business leaders like AT&T is key to STEM NOLA’s continuing efforts to reach more people and cultivate hope and confidence,” said Lambert Boissiere, Louisiana Public Service Commissioner, District 3.
STEM NOLA designs and delivers activities, programs & events that bring inspiration, motivation, and training to all STEM stakeholders, specifically focusing on under-served communities.
“My team and I are passionate about preparing young people to be the next generation of innovators, makers and creators, and I am thrilled when I find members of the business community who share that passion. AT&T has stood with STEM NOLA for years, and their commitment to skills development and support for area youth in the STEM fields is exceptional,” said Dr. Calvin Mackie, Founder and CEO of the Center for the Innovative Training of Youth d/b/a STEM NOLA.
As circumstances surrounding COVID-19 change daily, so too does the impact on our communities. To best allocate resources from the Distance Learning and Family Connections Fund, we’re working alongside families, educators, and community leaders to understand the challenges they will face in the days and weeks to come. To learn about additional tools and resources available nationwide through the Fund visit our site.
“Dr. Mackie and STEM NOLA have been a consistent presence over the years in New Orleans and across Louisiana, supporting our youth and preparing them to be leaders in our communities,” said Sonia Perez, President, AT&T Southeast States. “We are proud to support the work he and his team do to prepare young people with the 21st Century skills they need to be successful in today’s economy, and their efforts are a perfect fit for support from AT&T’s Distance Learning and Family Connections Fund.”
For parents and caregivers, we know this time has brought a multitude of new and unexpected challenges. And we also know the need for broadband connectivity has never been greater. For that reason, we have several initiatives to help keep students connected and continuing their education:
• We are committed to making home internet affordable with our Access from AT&T Program. This program provides home internet access at $10 a month for limited income households. We’ve also increased eligibility to households participating in the National School Lunch Program and Head Start.
About Philanthropy & Social Innovation at AT&T
AT&T Inc. is committed to advancing education, strengthening communities, and improving lives. Through its community initiatives, AT&T has a long history of investing in projects that create learning opportunities; promote academic and economic achievement; or address community needs. The company’s signature philanthropic initiative, AT&T Aspire, drives innovation in education to promote student success in school and beyond. With a financial commitment of $600 million since 2008, AT&T is leveraging technology, relationships, and social innovation to help all students make their biggest dreams a reality.
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