Essay Winner Sixth Grade Boy at St. Mary’s Academy

The Rebirth Of New Orleans

Data Staff Writers

If I were mayor, I would focus on issues that are really important to the people of New Orleans. I would begin with homelessness, because everyone deserves a safe and clean place to live. Secondly, I would provide community programs for children and their families, and lastly, social services for families in need of help.

It saddens me to see homeless families of different backgrounds living under the bridge begging for money and food. I want to develop a homeless center for the needy so they can come and get clothes, foods, and supplies. There will be one part of the center I want to provide an educational program for the people who cannot read or write. The program will have teachers to help them achieve their goals in life.

All communities should be safe. I will make schools safer by having more police at schools. Before entering, students will have to pass through a metal detector to make sure no one has a weapon inside of their bag. I will provide an after-school program called S, M, D, A = Sports, Music, Dance, Arts.

The City of New Orleans has major trash issues. There are a lot of abandoned homes with overgrown grass and empty lots. Most streets are filed with potholes that are in need of repair. I will have a special team to come and clean up every part of the city and cover the major potholes. I will fix abandoned houses and give them to the homeless families.

Additionally, child abuse is a major problem in New Orleans. Adults shouldn’t hit their children or beat them, because this is against the law. People say that it is the only way to make them stop. Well it isn’t. Maybe the child and parent could sit down with a counselor in private and solve the problem and talk about what the mom or dad should do to help the child. So, I will develop a center where the adults could meet with a counselor and talk about the situation of how to treat their children better.

In conclusion, the issues I talked about could be a great start to The Rebirth of New Orleans because, all people in New Orleans deserve a happy, clean and safe community.

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