Fashion Institute of New Orleans (FINO) Photos by Glenn Summers
The Fashion Institute of New Orleans (FINO) is a program aimed at challenging students to maximize their talents in a way that will nurture growth.
This program is targeted to maximize the impact of the Fashion and Retail Industry in Louisiana – more specifically, New Orleans – as a catalyst to the growth of the state’s cultural economy. Tapping the resources developed through various school curricula, we develop workshops, seminars, focus groups and field trips that educate and train youth and young adults in selected areas of the Fashion Industry. The program is designed – to allow students to creative talents and career interests in the fashion and retail industry to be enhanced and enriched.
Accordingly, the retail and fashion career forums are workplace- and marketplace-driven. Speakers, consultants, and facilitators bring an experiential, rather than merely academic, approach to imparting knowledge of the field and industry. Whether in the design or retail arenas of fashion, the guiding philosophy of the program is that the workplace must be experienced, as well as taught. To that end, District 2 identifies and participates in field trips to fashion and retail outlets. There are many aspects of retail and fashion that directly relate to marketing and packaging the right product for today’s consumer. Exposure to that process – such as that provided through LSU’s outstanding Textile, Apparel Design & Merchandising Program in the School of Human Ecology – are uniquely suited for involvement in our efforts.
While our program targets high-school students who are not enrolled in formal academic training in the field, the FASHION INSTITUTE OF NEW ORLEANS (FINO) makes available resources to provide consultants and industry advocates to our children. It is important for students to know collateral trade opportunities in fashion merchandising and to understand the nature, scope, and contemporary dimensions of the industry. Participation in “FINO” brings a real-life aspect to work in the industry inspired by the growing popularity of shows such as the BRAVO network’s “Project Runway,” which has created the highest ever visibility to the fashion design and merchandising industry.
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