Urban League of Louisiana
The Urban League of Louisiana has produced Advancing Education Equity reports for New Orleans and Baton Rouge. They paint the picture of how subgroups of students are doing across these school systems and the findings have remained largely the same – students of color, students with disabilities, and English language learners do not share the same access, opportunities or outcomes as their counterparts. In this session, leaders and advocates will share their visions for equity in education and the specific actions they believe must be taken to achieve it.
Join us on February 26th and 27th as we convene to discuss topics including:
Economic Opportunity
Health Equity
Criminal Justice Reform
Voter Education & Engagement
Education Equity
and more!
The Annual Empowerment and Policy Conference, powered by the Urban League of Louisiana and the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus, is a statewide convening designed to examine systems, influence policy decisions and enact changes that will positively impact the African American and other communities.
The conference is FREE to attend, but space will be limited.
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