It’s the New Year BayBay, and you made it! How did you bring in 2021? Even in a Pandemic, I’m sure it was in the usual Naturally New Orleans tradition of great food, close family and friends, and beaucoup fun…and fireworks!!! As I write from Houston, my inner firebug tingles remembering how we rang in the New Year when I was a kid. My Dad would put on a display that literally spanned the whole block and lasted what seemed like an eternity after midnight. Man, those were the days and times that make me miss home so much! Every day since I’ve been gone, I’ve desired to return. Finally, after fifteen years, realizing the blessing of simply seeing 2021, I’ve resolved to fully embrace change and appreciate what I have, right where I am. Now, as a typical Taurus woman, this will not be a cakewalk. I’m fiercely stubborn, with OCD, and in recovery from a serious sugar addiction, which means NO KING CAKE this Mardi Gras season! LAWD Sweet (not plastic baby) Jesus take the wheel! I say that jokingly, but I’m dead serious in knowing this is not easy for me. I pray constantly for peace of mind to hear and listen to The Spirit’s whispered instructions, and to follow through with my heart’s intentions. Although I purpose to prioritize peace, love, and light while honoring The Most High with actions that exemplify my gratitude, I am human…a Taurus woman with a temper that can flame out of control, and last longer than my Daddy’s fireworks. But every day Our Creator wakes me to see a new sun, breathing life into my body, it shows that no matter what I’ve done, I am forgiven in unconditional love and renewed to continue on my journey. Every sunrise reminds me that I am not alone, and neither are you in your desire to move forward and grow. What’s your New Year resolution? Have you written it down? If you haven’t, please do so. Get a pen and paper and declare your desires and how you intend to fulfill them. If setting goals for the entire year is too much, do shorter more manageable periods that work for you. Keep your resolution where you can see it daily as a reminder of what you are working to achieve. Set yourself up for success by clearing out obvious obstacles and creating an environment that energizes you. Seek kindred soul connections that encourage and inspire you. Sync in solitude with The Source, and hear God speak to you. Be encouraged to stay open to change and yet remain unwavering in your faith as you walk one step at a time, one day at a time on your path from desire to purpose.
Renée Dugué is a Licensed Massage Therapist based in Houston, TX. Her private practice provides in-person and virtual healing services. Also a humanitarian, she walks daily for her WALK4WATER Campaign’s efforts to provide clean water to Africans in need. Visit ReneeDugue.com to connect and learn more about her personal philosophy of healing through helping.
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