Terry B. Jones Publisher, Data News Weekly
It is again time for voters to go to the polls and vote. As publisher of Data News Weekly, and in our role as “The People’s Paper” we encourage all to get out and let your voice be heard.
Yes, we are in the beginning of festival season, and while we encourage all to have fun and enjoy getting back to some sense of normalcy, it is equally important to vote on April 30th.
We are encouraging our citizens to vote yes on a 5-mil property tax increase that will begin in 2023 to create over one thousand more seats for early childhood education for low-income children under four years old.
Getting a quality education is key to success, and this is a small price to pay for our young people to have a chance to reach their full potential.
So, we are asking all before you go out to enjoy Jazzfest or whatever you will do this weekend, first get out to the polls, and vote yes and invest in the future of New Orleans.
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