How Weekly Deep Conditioning Makes a Difference in My Hair

Prior to going natural, I used to deep condition my hair maybe once every 2 to 3 months or whenever I thought that my hair felt dry. I would only deep condition my hair to repair what I thought was breakage, shedding, or just brittle hair. At one point, I thought that some magic deep conditioner would save my hair from the tremendous amount of heat damage it had endured from twice a month heat straightening. However, my failed attempts at bringing my hair back to life were finally remedied with just cutting the damaged parts off.
While within my natural hair journey, I began to deep condition on a regular basis. I do my best to dedicate one day a week to doing a full deep conditioning treatment to get my hair back in order. Since I’ve been doing this, my hair is flourishing and It really makes a difference in how my curls form. When I do not deep condition my hair, my curls still come through but they aren’t as defined or soft. I am also prone to more unnecessary frizz and tangles. Using a deep conditioner keeps my hair more nourished and helps my curls to resist the environmental damage it undergoes daily. Since I wear my hair down often, weekly deep conditioning gives my hair an extra layer of protection. 

Deep conditioning your hair takes time out of your day but it is worth it to maintain the health and strength of curly/kinky hair.

The keys to having an amazing deep conditioning treatment are as follows:
1. Always detangle your soaking wet hair thoroughly with a wide-toothed comb prior to applying the product on your hair. Detangle your hair in at least four sections.
2. Try to find a product that works for your hair. I have somewhere between 3C and 4A curls with a lot of volume so Shea Moisture’s Strengthen and Grow Treatment Masque is a great choice for my curls.
3. Deep condition for at least 15 to 30 minutes.
4. You can use an overhead dryer or just leave the product on longer without heat.
5. Apply a leave in conditioner and then a light oil on your ends after deep conditioning to retain moisture long after you’ve washed the product out. I like to use Cantu Coconut Curling Cream as a leave in conditioner and I apply a bit of Organic Coconut Oil to my ends.
6. Try to maintain a consistent deep conditioning schedule. Your curls depend on it!
Happy Growing!

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