Jeremiah 30 (YA’AQOV’S Trouble)

Sharonda “Esther” Green Local Artist Jeremiah 30 (YA’AQOV’S Trouble) The Name of This Painting & Times That We Are in Local artist Sharonda “Esther” (Art by Sharonda) was commissioned by City Hall to produce several custom paintings for their office spaces. The theme for this painting wasn’t selected by coincidence. The office manager wanted a painting that captured the spirit of New Orleans and his purpose for being here. This ambitious concept deserved research and truth. “Sharonda responded by saying we “ALL” have a major role in these times. Everything happens for a reason. The Most High guided me here and he shall reveal what needs to be displayed”. Coming up with the painting concept: Sharonda says during these times of COVID-19 the project was unexpectedly placed to a halt. There were some major questions that needed to be answered. What is your purpose? What change will you bring? What will you allow? What will you stand for? In that moment she remembered what the Most High told her, her purpose was, to edify him through the fruits of her labor. Sharonda knew exactly what to paint and thought to herself and said, “what a great time to be alive”. “To be able to see prophecy unfold, and to be here for times just as this.” Today Sharonda is standing in front of a 4-feet x 5-feet inch painting titled: Jeremiah 30 (YA’AQOV’S Trouble).

Description of the painting: The community of New Orleans is a resilient people. Many are filled with talent and the natives to the city still recognize the indigenous ways and culture that set them apart. As a means to see the silver lining in things despite the uncertainty of what’s upon us such as: COVID-19, Hurricane Season, Coin Shortage and This Upcoming Election. To the minor struggles such as: Potholes in the Streets etc. This painting is a representation of how much work, tolerance, and faith one must possess in times such as this. The painting displays a trumpet sounding; as the city and its community intake obstacles, decisions, and change. Sharonda’s painting includes the City Hall building as one of the major catalysts for change, as well as featuring Data News Weekly. Terry B Jones “The Peoples Paper” was chosen “because of all that it represents for the City of New Orleans. Data News Weekly has been around highlighting Black locals and their accomplishments for over 50 plus years, and he stands righteously by his slogan” says Sharonda. The artist made sure that these aspects were incorporated in her painting, before being completed.

About the artist: Sharonda is known for her custom creations within the CBD. You can find her art throughout various (receptionist/waiting area, and office spaces), hosting private sip and paint parties where she instructs (all age groups are welcome), and she has been a feature face painter for the last four years at the Andouille Festival (St. John the Baptist Parish). Sharonda says that as an artist it has allowed her to share her testimony, and to be able to network and connect with other lovers of the arts. Sharonda says the purpose is to capture culture, love of the community, and peace; while following the direction of where the Most High ‘Ruach Ha’Mashiach’ leads her.

What this opportunity meant: What a time as this to release hope from my opportunity and spread some light in these prophetic times. Sharonda says that this opportunity has allowed her to step back and to paint the depiction of a historical time such as now. The same way the greats like Leonardo de Vinci did in his time. The artist says its humbling to her to have been able to “express what is currently happening without white washing, and to be able to depict today’s truth without deceiving is an honor” @Artbyshornda wants everybody to rejoice in this time as the Trumpet in the painting suggest. She says “what is truly taking place is an amazing revelation, and I challenge everyone to read Jeremiah 30 kjv1611 and to study to show thy self-approve. – Sharonda “Esther”. To view or read more about Art by Sharonda see her: (Instagram) or (Facebook)

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