West Nile Virus Found in Local Mosquitoes in Orleans Parish What You Need to Do to Keep Safe

Last week, the New Orleans Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control Board detected the West Nile Virus in Mosquitos in Orleans Parish. As of now, NOMTCB has not reported any persons contracting the West Nile Virus or Zika Virus in New Orleans. The West Nile Virus is most dangerous to those over 65 or with immune system concerns.

Right now, the NOMTCB recommends using EPA-approved mosquito repellant, and reducing moist environments as much as possible.

NOMTCB recommended these safety tips to protect yourself from mosquito bite:
Protecting Yourself

– The CDC recommends using repellents containing EPA-registered active ingredients including DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon-eucalyptus.
– When using repellent, always follow the recommendations on the product label.
– Reduce mosquito exposure by limiting outdoor activities between dusk and dawn.
– Use air-conditioning and make sure window and door screens are in good repair to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside.
– If outside for long periods of time, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants.

For additional information regarding West Nile Virus, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/westnile/qa/prevention.htm.

Protecting Your Home
– Eliminate standing water around your home, where mosquitoes breed.
– Remove trash and clutter, dispose of discarded tires and containers that can hold water. Turn over wading pools, buckets, trash cans, children’s toys or anything that could collect water.
– Change water weekly in containers that cannot be removed, such as pet dishes or bird baths.

Scrub the side of the containers each day to remove the eggs that have been deposited.
– Rain barrels and other water collection devices must be screened and collected water should be used within one week.
– Aerate ornamental pools, fountains and sugar kettles or stock them with fish.
– Report illegal dumping, water leaks and unattended swimming pools and by calling 311.
– Call 311 or email mosquitocontrol@nola.gov to report mosquito problems.

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