Why Desiree Charbonnet is the Best Choice for Our Next Mayor

Desiree Charbonnet
As we near New Orleans’ 300th Anniversary, there is only one candidate who seems to have what it takes to lead us as Mayor.  Desiree Charbonnet is not only tied to the great and deeply rooted history of New Orleans as a member of a family whose name we all know, she is much more than that.   Not being one to rest on those laurels, she decided long ago not to make her way based on her name.  Instead, she has forged her own path and because of her courage and tenacity, is well-known and highly respected for her service to others. She has a 20-year record as an elected official; one of competence, consistency and compassion. She is armed with the tools to bring people together from all walks of life and is a bridge builder who believes that all zip codes matter.
While she has been under attack by those who are looking for a mayor they can control, she has stood steadfast as an independent voice for the people of this City, who desires a leader who will represent all citizens. She has a vision and a plan for the City to make it safe, and has an economic plan to diversify our economy bringing well-paying jobs and making this a more business friendly environment for those who want to invest in the future of New Orleans.
Desiree Charbonnet is someone who simply gets it. And, among this slate of candidates she is the only one who will stand down the few who want to control the City and not allow inequality to continue to exist. This is not the road we need to continue to go down if we are to reach our fullest potential.  It is time.   
The next Mayor of New Orleans must have the ability to focus on the many challenges that hold us back from making a full recovery, and lead with the confidence of the people behind her.  We believe that the plan that has been laid out by Charbonnet has the right priorities identified, and is the right direction for progress.  For example, her comprehensive crime plan not only calls for 500 new NOPD officers and a reduction in response times, but looks to the future in reducing the causes of crime by identifying opportunities for young people and utilizing crime prevention technology.  Who doesn’t believe that it is better not to have our young people committing crimes, but instead, offering them meaningful and dignified opportunities and a crime free life?  It just makes good sense. 
As residents of this City, we also know that we have many other concerns and real obstacles to a fully functioning community.  Lack of affordable housing being one of the many very real challenges that residents face.  As part of her platform, Charbonnet has outlined her plan to create affordable housing for New Orleanians, which will help drive the economic engine.  It’s great to have a job and we all want everyone working, but it is a reality that many middle-income working families struggle to find affordable housing options.  Our affordable housing options have simply put, not kept pace with the demand.  Desiree has a plan to fix this, and we desperately need it. 
The City of New Orleans has the opportunity not only to be a cultural capital, but one in which both the economy and citizens alike are prospering. We at Data News Weekly feel that Charbonnet has what it takes to get us there.
Voters, we ask that you not be swayed by attacks from those who did not have the courage to place themselves up for public scrutiny by running, and instead have chosen to hide behind dark money and commercials. It is time for real leadership with a proven record of getting things done. A mayor who has shown she has the understanding and the temperament to make the tough decisions with careful consideration of every issue and concern for the well-being of the City and the people.  One with the vision and the leadership skills to put the right people around her reaching all the residents of this City, leading to solutions to the problems that have continued to plague us, and maximizing the many positive aspects that benefit New Orleans as a whole. 
That person is Desiree Charbonnet.
Election day is Saturday, October 14th.  If you have not early voted, we want to ask you, to make sure you get out and VOTE!  Your VOTE is Your VOICE, and right now, New Orleans needs to hear you loudly and clearly.  VOTE! 

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