There comes a time in all our lives when we must trade in our flip flops for a pair of loafers and ditch the mini skirt for a pair of slacks. Business attire and fashion is coming back in style now that August is here. School is in session and workers are back at their cubicles. Here are a few tips of how to dress your most fashionably professional.
Patterns: The old fashion black slacks and solid pencil skirts are styles of the past. Today, you can jazz up your business and work attire with a touch of color or a wild pattern. Pants can be midi, or long, if they are eye catching with polka dots, stripes, or any pattern far from plain.
Blazers: Blazers are advancing with pockets, shoulder enhancements and even within their colors. You can rock a cream, blue, red or even multicolored blazer and still look like a boss. Blazers are a good intro into tailored suits also: because who doesn’t look good in a suit?
Fabulous Flats: Feel free to throw those 2007 baby doll shoes away for a newer chic pair of flats that will work for business or normal attire. Flats today are pointy, elevated, colorful, designer, and more. Although they are hard to find, the flats of your dreams could be found through online shopping.
For more Business 101 tips follow @Delannii on Instagram or email
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