Don’t Be Fooled – This Election is Serious!

Don’t Let a Few Determine the Fate of Our City

Data News Editorial

Last week, we shed light on a recent mailer and website from a PAC (Political Action Committee) calling itself, that has been sending out print mailers and launching online attacks, targeting not only Mayoral Candidate Desiree Charbonnet, but Black leadership in general, as being corrupt and criminal. Going far as placing a gun in the hand of a cartoon caricature of candidate Charbonnet.  Data News Weekly is outraged that this dark money group is taking the low road in an attempt to influence the outcome of the race for the highest elected office in our City. We demand accountability from those who are responsible and to date, no one has stood up and said why they chose these horrible images to defame the Charbonnet campaign.
Dark Money Exposed
Recently, according to October Campaign Finance Reports, it shows that some in the business community are responsible for contributing to This effort is being spearheaded by charter school advocate and former school board member Leslie Jacobs, who ran a brief unsuccessful campaign for mayor in 2010 donating $40,000 of the $190,000 raised to defeat Charbonnet. This list of contributors includes prominent members of the White business community including; Lane Grisby, Jay Lapeyre, Stuart Phillips, Boysie Bollinger, Gary Solomon, Frank Stewart and William Goldring just to name a few. When it was revealed they were contributors, none of them would speak to the media about why they were contributing to a PAC stared on September 5th of this year, whose only goal was to defeat one candidate. Data News Weekly continues to question why would they place a gun in the hand of candidate Charbonnet and resort to the worst of racial stereotypes about Blacks?
Political PACS and Hypocrisy
As some have already gone to the polls during early voting and as others prepare this weekend, the question should be why this small group of donors is going after only one candidate if clean government across the board is their goal? Where does NOTFORSALENOLA.COM stand on the other many other races on the ballot including the entire City Council and races for several judgeships? Also, we must ask ourselves with a race for Mayor that started with 18 candidates, why is only Charbonnet the target? And finally, what is their agenda for the City of New Orleans?  We at Data News Weekly want our citizens to be not just informed about, but also, to be suspicious of the motives of this PAC.
A Few Cannot Control the Future of Our City
We also would like to add that citizens should beware of the large amount of money spent by businessman and Reality Show Star Sidney Torres IV and his Voice of the People PAC which seems to be spending large amounts of money to defeat one candidate. Before the filing period he flirted with a run then decided against it.  It begs the question, as he is placing Charbonnet under the microscope of scrutiny, why did he not run and decide to become a one-man judge and jury of who is suited to lead the City? And while both PACS say they are not supporting any candidate in the race this seems unlikely. When we go to the polls we cannot let what amounts to a few people with dark money determine our bright future.
VOTE New Orleans, like your lives and your future depends on it, because IT DOES! 

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