By James Washington
Some of you may remember that I declared this some time ago and it bears repeating. I wish it was original, but it is not. It comes straight from the pulpit and not from me. Circumstances in my life and maybe yours have me drifting from time to time. I don’t believe any Christian should indulge in wishy-washy thinking about their own salvation. Whatever you’re going through, however insurmountable the odds appear to be, if the deck is stacked against you in your eyes, remember, “This fight is fixed.”
All the evil that comes at you in this world is intended to confuse you into defeatist thinking. Then in a state of confusion, you act (negatively, I might add) as if somehow you’re in charge. If only you were more in control, had more money, or more willpower, then maybe you could change things, change jobs, change mates, change the past, alter the future or erase your addictions. For some reason, we want to take way too much credit for our lives or, out of a state of confusion, take little to no responsibility for them. Blame becomes a way of thinking or even a lifestyle for many of us who claim Jesus. I’m here to suggest to you that just like so-called professional wrestling, the outcome for whatever you’re going through, has been predetermined. The fight is fixed.
Jesus took the heavy blows, endured the emergency trip to the ER and survived the intensive care unit on Calvary. What we tend to forget is His fight was “The Fight” and His victory was and continues to be our victory. Because He won, we won. Let me put it to you this way, whatever you’re going through, Your fight is fixed and you’ve already won!
“Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms of Jesus Christ in order that in the coming ages, He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ.” Ephesians 2:6-8.
Does that not mean you win?
Hence, there is real meaning in the refrain, “The fight is fixed.” Practically speaking, take another look at your situation with the fundamental truth that you’ve already won and then go forward. See, you gotta understand and act deliberately and consciously upon the truth that Christ is in your corner. From there, faith will never allow you to ever enter the ring again and your opponent not know who yo’ Daddy is; Mess with me at your own risk. You see, I’m figuring out that all the mess I’m going through or someone is trying to put me through, is but an opportunity to run home and get my Big Brother J.C.
Our challenge is not to try and win this fight alone. We cannot. We will surely fail. My witness is to always let my opponent know exactly what I’m fighting with. It ain’t gonna be fair. I’m not playing by their rules and if only they knew like I do that I’m going to win, they would just leave me alone. I have not met the man or woman, yet who can beat Satan at his own game. I tried and without Jesus, I failed miserably. That should not surprise any of you and especially those trying to go it alone right now. Satan has a big advantage in this world, but I don’t worry about that anymore. My knowledge of the outcome lets me handle the tricks of the enemy. I know the fight is fixed. I win. And guess what? You do, too. See. We got it like that.
May God bless and keep you, always.
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