Students at Abramson Sci Academy Honored for Top Performance in College Courses

New Orleans Agenda

As the spring semester begins, seniors and juniors at Abramson Sci Academy are hard at work earning college credits through multiple pathways.

National Reach
Abramson’s top performance was honored last week by the Honor Society of the National Educational Equity Lab (Ed Equity Lab). This education justice nonprofit works to bridge the gap between high school and college for students from low-income communities by offering dual credit courses from schools including: Howard University, Stanford University, Princeton University, Cornell University, Brown University, and Spelman College.

In Fall 2022’s Poetry in America’s course, more than forty (40) high schools and 650 students examined the relationship between “the city” and poetry. From Walt Whitman to Jay-Z, Abramson students performed textual analysis and engaged in spirited discussion.

The Results were Stellar:
Abramson was celebrated for being in the Top 5 of highest average course grades for this course!
Senior Ethan Dinh received the 2nd highest grade nationwide, earning him Salutatorian honors!
Former US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, an Ed Equity Lab board member, called this effort “game changing” for students. “Democratizing access to higher education in our nation has never been more critical. Efforts like this help us do just that.”

Local Roots
Through a strong partnership with Southern University of New Orleans (SUNO), more than twenty-five (25) Abramson students travel to campus each afternoon for college-level English and Math courses.

In addition to laying the groundwork for postsecondary success, students benefit from a shared cohort model, coaching and advising on how to access the resources available at SUNO, and build college-going identity. These students are on-track to complete introductory English and Math course requirements.

Abramson School Leader Anthony McElligott shared, “We are grateful for the collaboration with SUNO. Our kids are so smart and capable. When we create pathways like this one with SUNO, we give students the opportunity to shine.”

The mission of Abramson Sci Academy is to prepare all scholars for college success, equipped with the passion and tools to strengthen any community they choose.

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