Dionne Character Female Empowerment Columnist
It is tough trying to find a strong Black man when it seems every last one of them have all gotten one-way tickets to destinations unknown to women, somewhere in space. Without a doubt, being an African American King in America is hard, but women seem to be climbing an uphill battle trying to find a good man who can show up with intentions and confirmation.Have men given up? Have we become numb to simply engaging in honest conversations? I would love a man to gently lift my suitcase and place it in the overhead bin, open doors to vegan markets as he gives me that sense of pride a Black man has in his stride when he knows his life is in order.
Have women become too liberated for our own good? Are we now requiring different things from men then our mothers or is love really over for the most beautiful race of people on the planet?
Perhaps we should all introduce our closest friends to other friends and start a new healthy environment where Black folk can enjoy life by restarting communication as we increase happiness with gratitude for friendships on one accord, reconnecting like our ancestors on Sunday mornings.
Maybe it is time for women to end the battle and start waving those pink flags of surrender as some of us just might need to be saved and some men are very good at saving. Let’s not go another moment not picking up the phone, scheduling a trip, as we all need to focus more on getting back to our normal vibrations of love, friendship, and enjoyment because life is too short to not relish in every beautiful moment.
Dionne Character can be reached at Character Hollywood
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